• Social-Emotional Health

    Meeting the social-emotional and mental health needs of students, families, and staff upon our return to school will be critical to re-engaging students, supporting adults, building relationships, and creating a foundation for academic learning.

    Preparation and Training

    Training will be provided for school crisis response teams and staff. School crisis response teams will review current HCS crisis response protocols and determine how those protocols might support assessing and addressing social-emotional health issues of students related to Covid-19.

    Reconnecting with Staff, Students, and Families

    Early reconnections with staff, students, and families will be paramount in responding to questions about our return to school, and informally assessing social, emotional, and mental health needs. Administrative teams will communicate with all staff members in July and teachers will communicate with individual students/families in August.

    School Crisis Response Teams

    School crisis response teams will determine appropriate response actions which may include, but are not limited to: risk assessments, MTSS/RtI referrals, guidance referrals, RBHS referrals, mental health referrals, and additional resources/support as needed.

    Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Opportunities K-12

    Creating learning environments (whether virtual or face-to-face) where all students and adults feel a sense of belonging, heal, and thrive will be paramount as we begin the new school year. All schools will provide social-emotional learning opportunities for students and all schools will identify an SEL planning and implementation team. Teachers and school counselors will provide social-emotional learning opportunities for all students K-12 and parents will be provided with information regarding K12 social-emotional learning implementation.

    South Carolina Department of Education Social-Emotional Information 

    The South Carolina Department of Education has developed a website with resources for students and parents which focuses on Social and Emotional Learning and the healthy development of young people.  Read more here.