Salary Scales
Teachers: The grades for teachers are:
Grade 28 – Bachelors Degree
Grade 29 – Bachelors Degree + 18 hours
Grade 31 – Masters Degree
Grade 32 – Masters Degree +30 hours
Grade 35 – Doctorate
Support Staff: All support staff are placed on grades 101 – 110.
Professional Student Services: All Professional Student Services staff are placed on grades 113, 30, 33.
Non-Teaching Professionals: All non-teaching professionals will be placed on grades 112 -312. The board has approved a $300 per month supplement for any non-teaching professional that has obtained a doctoral degree.
To obtain the highest level of accuracy, each existing employee will receive a written notification around the time of their first check of the contract year stating their placement on the salary scale. Information concerning an individual’s placement on the scale will not be handled over the phone. Included in the letter will be an email address that can be used if an error in placement has occurred.
Salary Scales