• School Crime Tip Line/School Threats


  • Do your part to keep schools safe

    Keeping schools safe is everyone’s job. If you have information about a threat to school safety, do your part to protect others. If you don’t talk to a school administrator, call the School Crime Tip Line. It is an anonymous tip line that you can access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

    Call in tips about:

    • weapons, drugs, fights
    • threats or harassment
    • physical or sexual abuse
    • gang activity
    • suicide
    • vandalism, theft
    • any other crime that is related to school campuses

    Anonymous reports can be made to the School Crime
    Tip Line at any time by email or phone:

    • 843-915-SROS (7767)

  • What happens when you call?

    Callers are asked to relay as much information as possible to include the name of the schools and persons involved, as well as what type of activities that are alleged and when the activities may occur or have occurred. While not required, callers are encouraged to leave their contact information in the event additional information is needed. Calls of an urgent nature should still be directed to 911.

  • School Threats

    If you See Something, Say Something®. A message from Superintendent, Rick Maxey.


    Be kind to each other

    A message from guidance counselor, Laurie Thomas. (Grades CD-3)


    Make good choices

    A message from guidance counselor, Bernetta Sanders. (Grades 4-5)