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OBE Dress Code


Personal appearance of students should promote health and safety, contribute to a climate conducive to teaching and learning, and project a positive image of our community. Generally, student dress is considered appropriate as long as it does not, or foreseeably could not, interfere with the educational process, cause disruption, or damage school property. In addition to clothing, hats, and shoes, attire includes any jewelry, emblem, badge, symbol, sign, comment, or other items worn or displayed by an individual.

All students at Ocean Bay Elementary must adhere to the following dress code:

  • The appropriate length for shorts/dresses/skirts are when hands are by the side and are at or below longest fingertip all the way around the body.  Shorts under dresses are highly encouraged.
  • Slits/holes in clothing must also be no shorter than the student’s fingertips.
  • Shirt straps must be the width of an adult’s first two fingers. Spaghetti straps and clothes exposing the mid-section are not appropriate for school.  Shirt covers may be worn if shirt does not meet this requirement.
  • Hats and/or hoods are not be worn at any time in the building.
  • No bedroom shoes or “Heelys type shoes” are allowed. 
  • Attire must not display any information about, representations of, or advertisements for alcoholic beverage(s), weapons, tobacco, controlled drugs, or illegal drugs or paraphernalia associated with the foregoing.

Violations of the dress code will be referred to administration and the parents will be called to bring a change of clothes to the school.