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Horry County Schools Outperforms the State on SCPASS and SC READY
Performance results released by the South Carolina Department of Education for the 2021-2022 school year indicate that Horry County Schools consistently outperformed the state on both SCPASS and SC READY. Administered each spring, these two standardized state assessments measure student achievement in English language arts, mathematics, and science for grades 3-8.
South Carolina College-and-Career Ready Assessments (SC READY)
SC READY is the standardized state assessment for English language arts (ELA) and mathematics for grades 3-8. Achievement levels are reported as “Exceeds Standard,” “Meets Standard,” “Approaches Standard,” or “Does Not Meet Standard” in both areas tested. The percentage of HCS students scoring at the highest performance levels (Meets or Exceeds Standard) in ELA ranged between three and seven percentage points higher than the state. In mathematics, HCS students scoring at the highest performance levels (Meets or Exceeds Standard) ranged between six and ten percentage points higher than the state.
South Carolina Palmetto Assessment of State Standards (SCPASS)
SCPASS is the standardized state assessment for science for students in grades 4 and 6 with achievement levels reported as “Exceeds Standard,” “Meets Standard,” “Approaches Standard,” or “Does Not Meet Standard.” District students scoring at the highest performance levels (Meets or Exceeds Standard) ranged between six and eight percentage points higher than the state.