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- News Archive 2012-13
Aynor High Holds on to Academic Olympics Trophy
The academic team from Aynor High School, coached by Megan Luksa, was declared the winner for the second year in a row at the HCS 2012 Academic Olympics which was hosted by Conway High School. St. James High School's academic team, coached by Brett Mahaffey, won second place, and third was captured by Myrtle Beach High School's team, which is led by Coach Leslie Carter. With their win, Aynor High will be invited to participate in the national finals of the high school division of the NAQT tournament, which will be held in Atlanta during Memorial Day Weekend.
Aynor High School, Academic Olympics Champions
Top Row: Charles Green, Joshua Hudson
Middle Row, l-r: Coach-Megan Luksa, Kishan Patel, Alex Garland, Meaghan Morrell, Willie Li
Bottom Row: Malik Evans
St. James High School, 2nd Place
Back row top: Duncan Fultineer
Second row, l-r: Meredith Newell, Nicholas Newell, Nicholas Emmens, Matthew Long, Nicholas Depasquale
Front row, kneeling: Anika Liger, Margaret Shelton
(not pictured) Coach Brett Mahaffey
Myrtle Beach High School, 3rd Place
Myrtle Beach High Academic Olympics Team, coached by Leslie Carter.