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Attendance Blog

attendance matters

  1. A student between the ages of 6-17 who misses (3) unexcused consecutive days or (5) unexcused total days within a school year, is Truant and will be placed on an Attendance Intervention Plan (AIP).
  2. In order to receive credit for a class, students may not miss over (5) unexcused days for a semester class, (10) for a year-long class, or (3) for a quarter class.
  3. A student may not receive their driver’s license if they have (3) consecutive unexcused absences, or a total of (5) unexcused absences….per SC Law.
  4. For a student to get their driver’s license, their attendance must be in good standing with AHS.  The South Carolina DMV Form cannot be signed if a student has attendance issues, or is truant”…Per SC Law
  5. Parents and students have daily access to attendance through PowerSchool’s Parent Portal which is a helpful way to keep up with grades and attendance.
  6. Attendance issues can prevent AHS from signing off on the South Carolina DMV form…..this form is required to obtain a driver’s license.
  7. A doctor’s note, bereavement notice, or excuse must be turned in within (3) days of returning to school from an absence.
  8. An Attendance Intervention Plan (AIP) is in effect for ONE entire calendar year, from the date signed or until the student turns 17, whichever comes 1st.
  9. A student cannot obtain his drivers license if he does not confirm to the South Carolina attendance laws and regulations.
  10. Vacations/family trips are NOT excused.
  11. In a year-long class, a student is allowed (10) unexcused days. In a semester class, a student is allowed (5) unexcused days. In a quarter class, a student is allowed (3) unexcused days.
  12. Every day + on time + attendance = academic success
  13. Be an Attendance HERO…….Here…Everyday…Ready…On time