Criteria for Membership

How to Become A Member

Membership in Rho Kappa is by invitation, given by a local chapter on behalf of the national organization. Students may be invited to become a member of Rho Kappa based on their achievement in social studies. 

Candidates for membership should:

  1. Have been in attendance at the school in which the chapter resides for the equivalent of one semester prior to being considered (If a special or unique circumstances merit, the high school administration may waive the semester requirement, providing a letter of explanation to the advisory council).
  2. Have completed FOUR semesters of courses in the field of social studies and be prepared to complete at least six semesters. The minimum grade point average for these courses is a weighted 4.00 or the numerical equivalent.
  3. Have an overall cumulative GPA of 4.00 or the numerical equivalent.
  4. Have maintained a satisfactory discipline record commensurate with an honor society per the advisory council.
  5. Complete ONE Rho Kappa sponsored event by May 1 and complete TEN total hours.
  6. Have no more than TWO unexcused meeting absences.



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